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How I Juggle Life as an IT Consultant, Family Man, Gamer, and More 

By Vitorio Heral

Balancing the constantly changing demands of IT consulting can be challenging, especially when trying to juggle personal passions and responsibilities. I consider myself a lot of things, and as a father, gamer, entrepreneur, and food lover, I’ve learned that balance isn’t about doing everything all at once but finding harmony between work my professional calling and personal passions in life. 

I’ll start by saying that fatherhood is my grounding force. Of course, there are plenty of responsibilities to fulfil but for me it’s about being present in family life. I start my day with my family, sharing breakfast and making sure the kids are ready for their day. I deliberately schedule my day so that it begins with my family and spending quality time with them before work (and everything else) starts. Doing the school run and dropping the kids off and picking them up is a routine I cherish. I also prioritise family events, home dinners and activities, scheduling my work around these moments as much as possible. 

I’m an IT Consultant so of course I’m also a gamer. Gaming started as a way for me to de-stress and unwind after long days, but it has become much more than just a hobby for me and my children. Gaming together is a way to unwind and bond in a space where we can connect and share fun moments together. It has the added benefit of keeping my mind sharp and ready for problem-solving in the IT world. It’s a fun escape that never takes away from family time, providing a perfect balance between work and play. 

I am also a basketball player, at least I would like to think so! Basketball is my go-to activity for staying active and engaged. I enjoy playing pickup games with friends or my kids, which keeps me in good shape and provides a welcome break from my computer-based work. The game also teaches important lessons about teamwork, confidence, and perseverance. These are values I hold dear and enjoy passing on to my children through our time on the court together. 

Did I mention I’m a bit of a foodie? As a food and travel vlogger, I get to explore new cuisines and destinations, sharing my experiences with a broader audience. My weekends are often spent discovering new places or enjoying meals with my family, which I document in vlogs. This creative outlet allows me to express myself and connect with others who share similar interests. 

But my passion for food doesn’t stop at vlogging! Driven by my love for all things food I decided to turn this passion into a business venture. Then, with the support of my family and a dedicated team, we’ve been able to create something meaningful. Although I’m not involved in the day-to-day operations of the business, I focus on product research, decision-making, and social media marketing strategies. I enjoy being involved in creating paid marketing campaigns and targeting specific customer groups on social media platforms. This entrepreneurial journey not only satisfies my creative cravings but also hones my technical skills. 

It’s safe to say I’m a busy man! Balancing all these roles requires a few key strategies: 

Set Clear Boundaries: I clearly define my working hours and stick to them. This helps me make sure I have time for myself and my family. 

    Prioritise Tasks: I focus on what’s most important in my life and delegate tasks when I can. This helps me manage my time better. 

      Leverage Technology: I use tools like calendar apps and task managers to stay organised and efficient. 

        Get Moving: I keep active by playing sports or doing other hobbies. This helps me stay energised and reduce stress. 

          Enjoy Hobbies for Yourself: I make time for activities I personally enjoy to keep my mind healthy and boost creativity. 

            Look at Yourself and Adapt: I regularly reflect on my work-life balance and make changes as needed to keep everything in check. 

              Involve the Family: I include my family in my interests, like cooking, traveling, or gaming. This helps us bond and create great memories together. 

                Being an IT consultant, a dedicated family member, a passionate entrepreneur, and a creative vlogger is a busy yet rewarding journey. It requires careful planning, clear goals, and a commitment to maintaining inner peace. By setting boundaries, embracing technology, and giving each role its due time, one can lead a fulfilling life. Remember, balance is a dynamic process, and the journey is just as important as the destination. 

                At the end of the day if anyone asked me about who I really am, I’m going to answer this proudly: I’m a father, I’m a gamer, I’m a baller, I’m an entrepreneur, I’m a vlogger and I’m also a Mojo Soupian!! 

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