1. Policy
• Mojo Soup understands that information security is important because our data and information represents our collective knowledge and experience and is the basis for our Intellectual Property which has significant commercial value. Therefore, any breach of our information security is a significant commercial risk.
• For the purposes of this policy, information includes any form of data or document stored within any Mojo Soup management system whether that be electronic or physical.
• Mojo Soup will follow defined practices in relation to people, process, and systems in order to maintain information security to the satisfaction of the Mojo Soup Directors.
• A nominated Mojo Soup Director (currently Euan Kennedy) provides oversight and direction for our information and cyber security practices as they relate to Mojo Soup and as they impact our customers.
2. Related Procedures
• Onboarding new staff and/or contractors
• Project Management procedures – particularly Project Initiation, Contract Management and Project Closures
• Software Development Procedures
• Off-boarding staff/contractors
3. Related Work Instructions
• Use of Mojo Soup 1Password
4. Tools and systems
• Employment agreement
• Independent contractors’ agreement
• Supplier and customer terms and conditions
• Confidentiality agreements
• Office365 user management and other information security features